
Google Hack For Making Special Advanced Search

Google is not providing you the content what you want?
Do you feel that you have reached the end and there is no way that you can get the result you want?
But wait....Please Don't loose your hopes because now, we will be telling you some google hacks that will help you get your desired result......
You will find these hacks very useful in your day to day life and you can also amuse your friends by telling these google hacks and certainly they will be amazed by your knowledge.Yeah really.......Now-a-days Google is considered as the Big Daddy of Internet due to the high relavent results for their search terms,many people prefer google over other search engines such as Yahoo,Bing,Ask, etc......Even though,you might feel that it haven't satisfied us,as expected.You knew that it's just a search engine,that optimizes your search results......Being a human,lets make it out to work the way we want.....yeah, its just by hacking.......
Here we go.......
and Here Are The List Of Google Hacks With Its Usability

Type these searches in google
  • link:url
This will give the list of sites that links to a particular site.
It will give us the list of all sites linking to www.download.com
  • related:url
This search will give you all sites related to the url you have entered in the above query.
  • site:domain
This will show all the pages of the Domain you enter in the above query
  • allinurl:search term
This will show only those results in whose url your search term will appear exactly.
  • Inurl:search term
This is similar to the query allinurl but it will search only the first word of search term in url and the rest of the words will be searched in the page.
  • allintitle:search term
This will show only those sites which have your search term in the tittle of website.
  • Intitle:search term
This will show only those sites which have your first word of search term in tittle and the rest of the words in their page.
  • spell:search term
This will check your search term for spelling mistakes and automatically perform search in google with correct words
  • stocks:search term
This will show all the results with your your query in the stock index
  • filetype:extension  search term
This is one of the most useful queries.It will provide you only those sites which provides a document of your extension type and having your search term in it.
File type:doc mother
It will show all doc files in which the mother word is used.This type of search is extremely useful for finding presentations(ppt or pptx) and e books(pdf)
  • phone:number
This search query will show you the name and address of the number you have entered in the above search.,


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