
Nokia E6 in the wild?

considering rumors we've heard of a VGA display, we'd assumed that Nokia's E6 would probably have a large touchscreen -- but these shots we've just received look... well, a little different. Instead, it seems that Espoo's planning to gently massage the winning portrait QWERTY formula already well established by the E71 and E72, bumping out a proper big brother to the E5. Around back, you see an 8 megapixel camera (possibly the same EDoF unit that's in the E7) along with a dual LED flash; on front, that could very well be a VGA display, we suppose, considering the uptick in pixel density that everyone's been pushing the past year. If we had to guess, this puppy is a lock for MWC -- but in light of the crazy rumors floating around Nokia the past few days, all bets are off.


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