
New Intel Ultrabooks Announced

According to Apple Insider, Intel has revealed a new lineup of computing devices it has dubbed as Ultrabooks. They are reported to combine best aspects of Macbooks Airs and iPads or other tablets.

“Ultrabooks will marry the performance and capabilities of a laptop with “tablet-like features” in a “thin, light and elegant design,” Executive Vice President Sean Maloney said in a statement.
“According to Maloney, Intel aims to reach a 40 percent share of the consumer laptop market with the “no-compromise” Ultrabook by the end of 2012. The new class of mobile PCs will sport form factors less than 20mm thick and cost less than $1,000.”
The Ultrabooks are already planned to have various revisions coming out and the first ones will utilize the current-gen Sandy Bridge architecture. In the first half of next year, they will be using Ivy Bridge CPUs.
Intel wants to release the first revisions during the holiday season of this year (2011). Asus will be one of the launch partners and will be releasing the UX21 Ultrabook.
The trend now seems to be following the tablet form factor, whether we are talking about laptops or other computing devices. However, are tablets responsible for this trend and their popularity; or is it a natural progress of technology?


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